The average amount of time that it will take to complete a painting in one "session" is:
- Normal Speed 1 Painting = 8.1 minutes
- High Speed 2 Painting = 2.5 minutes
- Ultra Speed 3 Painting = 0.75 minutes
1. Blank Canvas | 2. Center starts to form | ||
3. Left portion fills in | 4. Right portion fills in | ||
5. Finalized painting |
Characters that have the Fortune aspiration are most likely to receive the "Sell a Masterpiece" aspiration for 6,000 reward points. Youngsters can also earn simoleons by painting.
If there is an easel on a lot that the Sim travels to, the Sim can earn money by painting on that lot, selling the painting, and then return back home, without losing any of the time it took to paint on the trip.
After painting a picture on the home lot, you can also take the painting and place it on a wall in the house by clicking on the character's Rewards > Backpack > grabbing the painting and placing it on a wall. Once it is on the wall, you can still sell the painting by clicking on the Barter Mode and then on the painting.