Saturday, May 10, 2014

Careers and Rewards

It has been a spell since I last posted anything.  But I discovered that I don't have to build a career from the beginning, in order to receive a career reward. 

One of the circumstances of Sims is careers and "building" a career reputation and income. For the Castaway Sims, they have three career options; Gatherer, Hunter and Crafter. As an adult Sim reaches career level 5, he/she is awarded a valuable device/station for added benefit. The reward is the focus of this post. 

The Reward

For the Gatherer, at the career stage of Trailblazer, the Concoction Junction is the reward. 
Concoction Junction - Gatherer Career Reward
This Junction provides potions for life changing events and also for fun. Teens can use the station but they can't use all the potions until they become adults. The potions do not have any resource value.

For the Hunter, at the career stage of Stalker, the Hyena Pace Obstacle Course is the reward.
Hyena Pace Obstacle Course - Hunter Career Reward

This Course provides Fitness and Body skills. However, plan for Hygiene to quickly lower. Children and teens can also use the course. 

For the Crafter, at the career stage of Scrap Technician, the Crafter's Bench Crafting Bench is the reward. 
 Crafter's Bench Crafting Bench - Crafter Career Reward

This Bench provides three electronic devices. One is battery powered, one is solar powered and the third requires electricity (wind-powered generator). Each device requires payment with resources to create. The devices provide Fun and in some cases can be used for Fitness and Body skills. Teens can use the bench.

Space Requirements

Some of the career rewards take up a lot of space. They can be placed on the ground or on flooring for use. The Course takes up the most space, requiring at least 3 by 9 squares to be flat. The Junction is the next largest, required at least 2 by 4 squares to be flat. The Bench is the easiest to set up, needing only 2 by 2 squares available. The least expensive option for placing the reward on the lot is to use the elevation tool and creating a flat/level space, large enough for the reward to be placed and still allow the space for the Sim to access to it.

Start in the Middle of the Career

One way to earn the reward without starting at the beginning of the career track is to have the necessary skills and friends already in place for the Sim before accepting the career. What I have discovered, over time is that sometimes having exactly the number of skills required for the career is enough, while other times, the Sim may need to have a one or two extra skill levels in place. Also, the Sim may be offered the career level 4, but after accepting, they really start at career level 5 and receive the reward. So keep that in mind when building skill levels. 

For the Gatherer career reward, have at least 2+ cooking skills, 4+ logic skills and 2+ creativity skills. Also have at least 2+ friendships outside of the family. 

For the Hunter career reward, have at least 2+ charisma skills, 5+ body skills and 1+ cleaning skills. Also have at least 2+ friendships outside of the family. 

For the Crafter career reward, have at least 4+ mechanical skills, 3+ logic skills and 1+ creativity skills. Also have at least 1+ friendship outside of the family. 

Having access to these career rewards can help make other events in life a little easier. One word of caution, don't leave your rewards on a lot if you move. You lose the reward and you are not awarded any resource compensation for them.